23 ago 2010

My Living Dream

Solo quería publicar esto, ya que no voy a publicar nada por mucho tiempo, es una canción que escribí, para esa persona tan especial, y que me hace tener las fuerzas para seguir luchando día a día, gracias Dominique :)

Living Dream

You are living in my memories
I feel different for a while
When I remember your smile
That smile that gives me strength
That smile that you had
When we met for the first time

Now I realize what’s going on
I need you more tan ever
If you can feel my heart beating
If you can hear that sound
Then you will understand
The feelings in my heart

I dream with you tonight
I felt you by me side
But then I woke up,
And I realized
You were a living dream
..in my mind

I would give anything
For having you by my side
Giving me hope and joy
For every single time
Because you where the one
That healed my heart

I dream with you tonight
I felt you by me side
But then I woke up,
And I realized
You were a living dream
..in my mind

I told you the truth
I said that I loved you
You said you loved me
And then sent me a message
That stole me a smile

I dream with you tonight
I felt you by me side
But then I woke up,
And I realized
You were a living dream
..in my mind

Every time with you was a gift
That’s why I called it the present
But now I am on my bed
And don’t need to fall asleep
Because you are my living dream
That has came true this time

2 comentarios:

  1. aaaaaaaaaa entendí la mitad, pero me re gustó igual, es hermoso todo sdlkfjsdf sos un lindo joe.
    Por cierto, soy meel (:

  2. ya se q sos vos meel, ajjajaja, después t tradusco lo q no entendist
